A Nationwide Inmate Search Will Reveal Some Secrets
If you choose to run a nationwide inmate search you may find some things out that you did not know. Although you may already know that the person is an inmate, do you really know why they are in prison? Since being a child molester, or a rapist is grounds to get beaten or stabbed to death while incarcerated many convicted sex offenders keep their offenses a secret. It is possible to find out, right away, what somebody was convicted of and how long they got sentenced to in jail or prison. You can even find out where they are.

Finding The Truth
Whatever reason you have behind wanting to do a record search on an inmate it is probably justifiable. You want to know what the deal is. Maybe your husband is incarcerated and his cellmate doesn’t seem right so he wants to know the truth about why he is there. Maybe you are writing to somebody that is in prison and you want to be sure they are not a murderer or a rapist. The list can go on and on, but when it comes to self-safety you can’t be too careful. Inmates are incarcerated for a reason, so it is advisable to know the details before you deal with them.
Inmate Search
If you have a long lost friend and wonder if they are gone because they are in prison you can do an inmate search to find out. You can find out where they were arrested, what the crime was, how much time they were sentenced to, and maybe even exactly where they are - depending on the circumstances. Not everybody that goes to prison is bad. Some people just do bad things sometimes so if you find your friend or relative there, maybe you could send them a letter.
Criminal Records
In many cases searching a public record database for criminal records will show exactly where an inmate is and how much time they have to do before they get out. Since all convictions in the United States are recorded by the government they become public information and are accessible through the Freedom of Information Act. This means that it is pretty easy to find information regarding an inmate anywhere in the United States.
SpyFly Inmate Search
SpyFly has access to the most powerful databases in the world. They store tons of information. If you think about the numbers of public records that are in effect right at this moment and the new ones that are being created every day you can imagine how many records there are. Hundreds of millions. Through SpyFly you can have access to all of these records and more. Within minutes you can locate the records for an inmate, or criminal within the United States.
SpyFly provides consumers affordable, immediate access to public record information. Federal laws prohibit businesses from using SpyFly's service to make decisions about employment, insurance, consumer credit, tenant screening, or for any other purpose subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq.